Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saying Goodbye . . .again

Friday night we held our farewell for Andy, Jeroham, and Mac. Andy and Jeroham will be deploying, and Mac is finally headed to WTU and has PCS'd to another post in Germany before heading to Fort Bragg. So, all the families (the Eiflers, Lahmons, Stones, Todds, and ourselves) were here Friday night to say goodbye. It felt a little strange to say goodbye, since Andy and Mac were spending the weekend with us, and because the Army is the Army, they all may very likely be here for quite some time yet. But you don't want to miss the chance to say goodbye, and to do it right. We discussed the biblical way to say goodbye, like Jesus does with His disciples at the last supper. Basically, there are four parts: "be good," "see you later," "I love you," and praying together. So we talked and prayed and laughed and said our goodbyes, and generally had a great time, despite the tears.

Saturday PMOC / men of the chapel took a trip to Belgium to see some WWII stuff, I think it was (not having gone, I am unaware of the specifics). Debbie, Mac and I were left to run around and go shopping and enjoy lunch and ice cream in Idar. Jonathan, Brad, and Andy came back and joined us for grilling hamburgers, and we all adjourned to our beds or our computers. Up this morning for chapel, where we learned that "eating a carrot is like walking with Jesus." (It's a long story.) A friend of Brad and Debbie's came for lunch today, as he was in Germany on a business trip, and after lunch Mac and I took Andy back to post and went looking for enough people for a volleyball game, with no success. So, we all took a hike almost to the castle instead, and came home for grilled cheese and leftovers. Then, since he was headed Ktwon way, our visitor took Mac back to his new 'home' (and the word is used ever so loosely), and Brad and Debbie and I cleaned up and retired, getting ready to start the new week.

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