Monday, March 10, 2008

Week One

Well, my goodness, I can hardly believe the first week is already over. Time flies when you're having fun! And what a week it has been. Have I mentioned I love this place?

So, Tuesday morning I went with Debbie to the PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) Bible Study on post. It had been snowing a little bit when we woke up, and by the time we got to the chapel, there was enough snow sticking to the ground that we could leave footprints. I was excited! Well, 3 hours later, it still hadn't stopped snowing. We got almost 8 inches of snow!! It was so beautiful! We did get stuck on post for a while until the roads got cleared and we could go back to the House, and it was just so cool to see everything covered in so much snow. I finally got my big snow for living in Germany! Wheee!!! Of course, I had to go make a snowman, down on Brad and Debbie's volleyball court, and they even gave me a carrot for his nose. :)
Wednesday night is always a dinner & discussion night, and there were quite a few single soldiers there. We filled the entire upstairs living room. It was fun to meet a lot more of the soldiers, and to see some familiar faces again.

Thursday was a good day, Brad left to go pick up the speaker for the PMOC (Protestant Men of the Chapel) conference that was this weekend, so Debbie and I had a nice, laid-back day, concluded with popcorn and movies.

Friday is Bible Study day, so we clean and cook during the day, and people come over for dinner. It was a smaller group, since most of the guys were at the PMOC retreat. One of the soldiers led a Bible study, and then everyone went home except our weekend group.

This weekend, the group was Debbie, me, Nellie, and Mac. Now, Nellie and Mac are regulars, to the point that they have rooms named after them. The 2-bed bunk room (where I'm living) is "Nellie's Room," and the bedroom is "Mac's Room." (and the other bunkroom is "Rob's Room.") What a great group - we had a blast. Saturday was spent shopping, all over in Idar-Oberstein and on post in Baumholder. Saturday night was movies and ice cream sundaes!

Sunday morning we had chapel, and then it was back to the House for grilled cheese sandwiches - and yummy tomatoe sandwiches! Lazy afternoon playing dice and catching up on e-mail and stuff, and watching Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, which is very good. We also all got new nicknames this weekend. In Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, they have an accountant, and they call him Mutant. (you have to see the movie!) Anyways, it's hilarious, and at the end I said I needed someone to call Mutant - and Mac volunteered, so he's officially Mutant. Nellie is Trolli, or gummyworm, because she managed to win an electric blue Trolli hat at the German store. Then they decided I was Princess, or Buttercup, after we watched the Princess Bride - which of course makes Rob the Dread Pirate Roberts. It's random, but a lot of fun. We went back to post in the evening so Debbie could go to Bible study, and we three ate at Taco Bell (!!) and then picked Rob up at his barracks, since he was back from PMOC, and we went to the bowling alley on post. Just really a great week!

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