Saturday, February 9, 2008


The sun is shining for the FOURTH day in a row!! This is noteworthy!! Beautiful sunshine! How I love it. :) This has been a good weekend. Sleeping in, being sick - okay, so that one's not so good, but at least it's just a cold - driving, shopping, munching, and taking long bike rides through beautiful german countryside. This is what it looks like by me - jealous? :) [if you click you can get it bigger]
Oh, and something cool happened today. I have no voice at the moment, so in church I was signing with all the songs, and one lady happened to take notice and came up to me afterwards. She said she couldn't help but keep watching me, because it was fascinating, and just what she was looking for. Apparently she's planning some kind of mother's evening at the church, and some of the jr high age girls are performing there, and they were looking for some kind of dance or something to do - and she thought sign would be perfect. So next Saterday - and a few after that - I get to teach sign language!! Just to a song or so, but still - exciting!!

1 comment:

  1. your picture doesn't get any bigger but the rest of your pictures do =)


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